Getting rid of man boobs can be a real challenge especially when the embarrassment and pain of man boobs makes it to difficult for some men to even go to the gym so its important to know types of man boob exercises that work.

1) Aerobic Exercise

This type of exercise when done at the right intensity uses fats as the predominant source of energy. Aerobic exercise includes things like, walking or jogging, cycling, rowing, cross trainer, swimming. You should aim to build up to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise 4/5 times per week. At the start you may only be able to walk at a fast pace for 10 minutes or less, that’s fine! Just keep building it up slowly over time and you will quickly see improvements

2) Resistance Training

Resistance training includes weight training with both machine and free weights. The aim of resistance training is to encourage the muscles to grow by putting them under strain, the muscle adapts to this new level of effort required by growing. Resistance training is a great exercise for man boobs and has 2 great benefits, not only does your body look firmer but muscle is also active tissue, it burns calories, so as you build muscle your body fat will decrease also, why? Because the muscle is using that fat to ‘feed’ its self during the course of the day.

If starting out a resistance training program start 3 times per week with at least 24hrs between sessions, yes you will feel sore the first few times but as the muscle adapts it becomes much easier. My advice would be to do whole body exercises to start and as you start to see gains then do more specific exercises. What do I mean by that?

Well a squat uses far more energy (calories) than say arm curls, right? Plus the squat works your back, your core and your legs. so you will build a greater amount of muscle overall and as we said the more muscle = more calories burned, more calories burned = the quicker the man boobs come off!

Here are some full body man boob exercises but please be sure to get coaching from a qualified fitness instructor before doing them:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Dead lifts
  • clean and press
  • standing overhead press

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